

Life’s journey has taken me on unexpected detours and I have been blessed to find unlikely heroes in unexpected places. Being the only civilian in our close-knit family of 5, my favorite heroes are close to my heart. Throughout the journey, our faith has been the guiding force for our family, the foundation upon which we have built our lives. We thank God for the abundant goodness and grace that surrounds us and we want our lives to reflect the Light that lives in us.

Roots and Wings

Roots and Wings

My son took my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor while the opening chords of Mike Harris’ “Find your Wings” filled the room. It was his wedding day, and this was our Mother/Son dance.  As we swayed in time to the music, I was fighting back tears. 

“It's only for a moment you are mine to hold…

…And if I never told you, I want you to know

That as I watch you grow

I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams

And that faith gives you the courage

To dare to do great things

I'm here for you whatever this life brings

So let my love give you roots

And help you find your wings…”

The song was expressing the multitude of jumbled emotions I was experiencing in that moment and the deepest wishes of my heart. As parents, we want the best for our children and we aspire for them to become the world changers we know them to be. We teach them that it’s important to be kind, generous and helpful; that it is our duty to be good citizens and strive to be productive members of the community. For some families, this is a sufficient foundation for raising up strong and admirable individuals because they have the privilege of living in a society where they have inherent value and are affirmed in every encounter with the world. For other families, in addition to the above, we also have to teach our sons and daughters (and remind ourselves) that they (we) are beautiful, valuable and worthy, because the society in which they (we) live is inherently designed to make them (us) feel less than, unworthy, not good enough, lacking and inferior.

“…The plans that heaven has for you

Will all too soon unfold

So many different prayers I'll pray

For all that you might do

But most of all I'll want to know

You're walking in the truth…”

We want to give our children a strong foundation for life anchored in love.  No matter where life takes them, we want them to have the confidence to dream big, take risks and run their race to the best of their ability.

“…May passion be the wind

That leads you through your days

And may conviction keep you strong

Guide you on your way

May there be many moments

That make your life so sweet…”

As we danced, David was telling me how much he appreciated my support and sacrifices over the years. I don’t think children can fully appreciate a parent’s love when they are young but as they get older the understanding grows. I know I was not perfect as a mom, but his words gave me comfort that through it all he knew how much I loved him. 

As the song ended, I took a shaky breath and looked up at my son through tear filled eyes.  I am so proud of him.  I am so grateful to be his mom.  The end of the dance was symbolic as he gently led me back to my seat and went to rejoin his wife. 

“…It's not living if you don't reach for the sky

I'll have tears as you take off

But I'll cheer as you fly…”

Thank you, Alexia, David and Julia, for raising me into the mom I am today.  My greatest joy, and honor, is being your mother.

“…I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams

And that faith gives you the courage

To dare to do great things

I'm here for you whatever this life brings

So let my love give you roots

And help you find your wings.


 Find Your Wings (link to music video)




Tapestry of Life

Tapestry of Life

